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Harvesting dandelion leaves


Forest Day is a daylong place-centered nature immersion program. Offered weekly throughout the season. Facilitated by Taira Restar.


About our spring 2024 series:

For ages 5 to 9 years


March 6 through May 29 (not May 8)

+ June 5, make-up day

9:15AM to 3:15PM 


During Forest Day, we grow our kinship with and knowledge of our forest.


We explore these practices:

Gratitude and Reciprocity

Sit Spot

Our Neighbors, the Plants and Critters Around Us

Wild Edibles

Nature Craft and Art Making

Nature Walks and Hikes

Observation and Journaling


Movement and Nature Dance

Poetry and Storytelling

Social and Emotional Well-being

Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Communication Skills



There's plenty of time for free play and for interest-led exploration.


Additionally, this spring we will be working on a wonderful project--designing, milling and building a tree house!



Please note that on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:00pm, we will also offer Forest Arts, an afternoon program. â€‹

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Because we are outdoors in all weather, including rain, forest schoolers dress in appropriate gear and bring extra clothing each day. If your family cannot afford outdoor gear, please let us know. We will do our best to help you round some up!


Water & Food

Children bring their own snack, lunch and water. We have plenty of drinking water to refill bottles.



$50 non-refundable deposit plus 3 monthly payments due on March 1, April 1 and May 1.

Choose your monthly payment:

$600--covers costs and supports those who cannot afford to pay in full

$500--covers costs (materials, teachers' wages, administration, insurance)

$400--does not cover costs


Scholarships available. Contact us to inquire. It is our heartfelt intention to make place-centered nature education accessible to all.


Not able to sign up for the full 3-month spring series? Contact us. Let's discuss.


More Info & Registration


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Registration, Questions & Your Wild Ideas

For more info and to register

Have questions? Email Taira.

As we move forward with new programming, we would love to hear about your interests, needs and wild ideas. Forest School Programming Survey.  

Interested in a 3-day Homeschool Enrichment Program?

Bear Valley Friends homeschool parents and our director, Taira, collaborate to offer a nourishing and cohesive 3-day per week nature immersion. Parents run the Monday Tuesday program and Emerald Heart offers the Wednesday program. For the children, the 3 days are a seamless experience! Taira is the lead teacher for all 3 days. 


Teacher-led activities include  place-based reading and writing invitations and place-based science explorations, as well as mindfulness, kinship and kindness practices. There is plenty of time for free play and child-led explorations.


Currently, the children are 5 to 9 years old. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact Rebecca Martin, parent:

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Gratitude & Land Acknowledgement

Emerald Heart Forest School is on the unceded lands of Coast Miwoks. We thank Coast Miwoks, past and present, for their care of these lands and waters.

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