As outdoor programs gain popularity, more and more research on forest schools is to be found. The areas of benefit identified by a number of studies reflect the outcomes which time and again are associated with Forest School:
Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
Improved social skills
The development of language and communication skills
Improved physical motor skills
Strengthens immune system
Improved motivation
Improved mental health
Similarly prepared for elementary school
Increased knowledge and understanding of the environment
Being in nature fosters a relationship with the natural world. Children develop a love for the natural world and an understanding for how to care for our planet Earth.

“Schools with natural play spaces and nature learning areas appear to help children do better academically,” says Richard Louv, cofounder of the Children and Nature Network.
Studies show that when students engage with the ever-changing natural world in their learning environment, they demonstrate better concentration, less stress, higher rates of physical activity, increased engagement and improved self-discipline.
One Finnish study states that spending just 20 minutes in nature helps people feel restored and ready to learn. Children who spend more time in nature tend to be calmer, more attentive and happier.
Here at Emerald Heart Forest School, parents and teachers witness benefits--daily and over time.

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Bolehovská, A. (2013). Využití lesního ekosystému v přírodovědném vzdělávání v
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Burdette, H. L., Whitaker, R. C. (2005). Resurrecting Free Play in Young Children. Looking Beyond Fitness and Fatness to Attention, Affiliation,
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Rantala, O., Puhakka, R., (2019). Engaging with nature: Nature affords well-being for families and young people in Finland. Children's Geographies.
#emeraldheartforestschool #forestschool #forestschoolteacher #forestpreschool #forestkindergarten #foresthomeschool #outdooreducation #placebasededucation #experientiallearning #forestbathing